Helical Insight version supported:
This guide applies to the Enterprise Edition of the Helical Insight application 3.1 version which is most recent version of Helical Insight application.

If you are using Helical Insight Application version 3.0 or below versions, follow this article Implementing Single Sign On (SSO) in Helical Insight Application 3.0 or below Version.


What is SSO ?:

Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication process that allows a user to access multiple applications with one set of login credentials. SSO is a common procedure in enterprises, where a client accesses multiple resources connected to a local area network (LAN).

This guide helps you to implement the single sign-on (SSO) using custom token-based authentication, this will results in a user being able to log in to Helical Insight application based on a shared login mechanism and ID.

If you have an application or portal you want to use with Helical Insight application having no single sign-on environment, you can use the Helical Insight token-based authentication and user management framework. To work with token-based authentication, your application or portal must do the following:

  • Authenticate the end user according to the standards of your environment or application.
  • Encrypt a token based on authenticated user values within your application or process. The token values can include username, organization (if multi-tenancy is enabled), roles, and profile attributes. You can configure the token based on your needs for reporting and analysis within the Helical Insight application.
  • Send the token to the Helical Insight as a part of the HTTP request

When Helical Insight Receives the token, it will:

  • Attempt to decrypt the token (if encrypted) and validate the token format
  • If the token is successfully parsed, use the information in the token to create and update the external user within Helical Insight application.

Overview of Token-Based Authentication

This section explains how Helical Insight performs external authentication using a token.

The following diagram shows the general steps involved in logging into Helical Insight Server using a token:

token-based authentication

The following steps explain the interaction between the user’s browser, Helical Insight, and a pre-authenticated user:

  1. A user requests any page in Helical Insight Server.
  2. If the user has not previously accessed Helical Insight, the server looks for the URL Parameter. If the token is present and correctly formatted, the user is automatically authenticated.
  3. Helical Insight Server decrypts the token in the URL or request header and username, roles, and organization information are extracted from the token and synchronized with the internal database. The helical Insight reflects the user’s roles and organization as defined in the token.
  4. As with the default internal authorization, Helical Insight now sends the requested content to the user and application-server user session is established and the connection between the requesting browser or process is maintained by repeatedly sending session identification information, usually in the form of an HTTP cookie. The token doesn’t need to be resent until the user logs out or the session is inactive for a period of time.

Configuring Helical Insight for Token-based Authentication

Required files for custom Token-based Authentication are as below:

  1. customFilterAuthentication.jar
  2. spring-security.xml
  3. Cipher.jar
  4. gwt-crypto-2.3.0.jar
  5. Encryption-Decryption.jar
  6. SSOEncryptionDecryption.zip -> This file helps you to refere the java source code which is used for encrypting the token.

Click here to download the above mentioned files
To configure Helical Insight to work with your authentication method, modify and deploy the sample configuration file which you can find at the below location:

Location: C:\Helical Insight\apache-tomcat-7\webapps\hi\WEB-INF\classes

This property file contains the default properties required for the token based authentication. We can change the default properties by editing the customAuthentication.properties file. Content of the property file is as below:

cipherAlgorithm = AES
cipherMode = ECB
cipherPadding = PKCS5Padding
cipherKey = HSpnzzfCLqrBn8Lk
defaultRole = ROLE_USER
defaultTimezone = IST
defaultCompany = HelicalInsight
defaultEmail = user@helicalinsight.com

Note: If you are directly implementing the above algorithm in your programs please make sure that you take care of special characters by using encodeBase64URLSafeString. Once the token is generated it should run through encodeBase64URLSafeString so that it replaces the special characters with appropriate replacement characters. In the later part of the blog we are providing the SSO encryption code for Java, one of the files is “SSOEncryptionDecryption.zip” and when you unzip it has this file called “CiperUtils.java” (inside the zip its at the location (..SSOEncryptionDecryption\SSO-Testing\src\com\helicaltech\encryption). This is java source code which does the encryption using the same algorithm. In this file you can actually check the line number 33 wherein we are doing the URLSafeString which is mentioned earlier.

Information about the SSO Token

A) username – loggedInUsername (mandatory parameter in the token generation)

B) Company

  1. if Company is not provided in the token, user will be created with the default Company provided in the properties file.
  2. if Company is provide while token generation , Company will be created in the DB , by default Role REPORT_USER mapped with given Company name and user will be created in that Company and Default Role REPORT_USER will be assigned to that user

C) role: we can assign multiple roles separated by comma. By default ROLE_USER will be assigned to loggedInUser

D) expTime

  1. Optional parameter in the token
  2. If provided in the token , the token will be valid up to the date and time provided
  3. if zone is not provided in the token , by default it will take Indian Standard timezone (UTC+05:30)

  4. 1. copy spring-security.xml and place it inside Helical Insight classes folder

    Location: C:\Helical Insight\apache-tomcat-7\webapps\hi\WEB-INF\classes

    Spring-security.xml contains bean class configuration of the Token based authentication.

    2. copy CustomFilterAuthentication.jar and place inside Helical Insight lib directory

    Location: C:\Helical Insight\apache-tomcat-7\webapps\hi\WEB-INF\lib

    CustomFilterAuthentication.jar contains the code to implement Token Based Authentication with Helical Insight.

    3. copy Cipher.jar in to Helical Insights lib directory

    Location: C:\Helical Insight\apache-tomcat-7\webapps\hi\WEB-INF\lib

    4. copy gwt-crypto-2.3.0.jar in to Helical Insights lib directory

    Location: C:\Helical Insight\apache-tomcat-7\webapps\hi\WEB-INF\lib

    5. Now restart Helical Insight Application Service.

    6. Generate the authentication token for the SSO, to generate the token we require the executable Encryption-Decryption.jar. Now put this jar at any location for the token generation.

    Token generation format is provided below

    Token Format :


    Token comprises of 4 parts separated by a “|” (pipe separator).


    Token Generation steps-

    A) Execute the Encryption-Decryption.jar file present on your server.

    Example : java -jar Encryption-Decryption.jar “Company=helical|username=hiuser|expTime=20190925 00:00:00 IST”

    B) After execution it provides the Encrypted token which will be used for SSO

    Encrypted String ::wjfSbnPF-lPluF30RJVOS6MONd-Q5_qZ0sxO-ga6YSV-RW6zSojtIhOQUzhVC0GDGRkj3FP-vQ98Hg9hY2DPbg

    C) Now Pass the encrypted string to the application URL for SSO



    Few Examples of Token Generation:

    1) Token Generation with Username

    java -jar Encryption-Decryption.jar "username=hiuser|expTime=20190925 00:00:00 IST"

    Encrypted String ::ow4135Dn-pnSzE76BrphJX5FbrNKiO0iE5BTOFULQYMZGSPcU_69D3weD2FjYM9u

    Example: http://localhost:8085/hi-ee/welcome.html?authToken=ow4135Dn-pnSzE76BrphJX5FbrNKiO0iE5BTOFULQYMZGSPcU_69D3weD2FjYM9u

    2) Token Generation with Company and Username

    java -jar Encryption-Decryption.jar "Company=ABC|username=hiuser|expTime=20190925 00:00:00 IST"

    Encrypted String ::H_0dH9Uce2BXIVZFX1a9-hhcvCYZA2sY94j0aCG0dZ8tjgEuQUijYIidnNp-qpy0uS9GataLMGKkmosebf0r4Q


    3) Token Generation with Company, Username and Role

    java -jar Encryption-Decryption.jar "Company=ABC|username=hiuser|role=ROLE_USER|expTime=20190925 00:00:00 IST"

    Encrypted String ::H_0dH9Uce2BXIVZFX1a9-vM4F7qEQ8EKFDK9-rGa_x0S74hKdN5p6OeW7uzQ3Llot0ecIVqd4qG5DyyTVQOCKQuygEU83qiqir_t97U5mSo

    Example: http://localhost:8085/hi-ee/welcome.html?authToken=H_0dH9Uce2BXIVZFX1a9-vM4F7qEQ8EKFDK9-rGa_x0S74hKdN5p6OeW7uzQ3Llot0ecIVqd4qG5DyyTVQOCKQuygEU83qiqir_t97U5mSo

    4) Token generated with username and expiry time with IST timezone

    java -jar Encryption-Decryption.jar "username=usertest1|expTime=20230704 14:59:00 IST"


    5) Token generated with username and expirty time with some other timezone like UTC

    java -jar Encryption-Decryption.jar "username=usertest1|expTime=20230704 09:36:00 UTC"


    This will create user with hiuser in ABC organization with role ROLE_USER assigned to it.

    Accessing Report Through Token

    Same token can be used to directly redirect to the report also, we just need to pass the dir and file name of the report with the token.

    Before accessing the any report that report with its metadata/datasource and its associated folder should
    be shared with that user/role/organization.


    In above url:

    dir=1500037259760/1500037433046 : specifies the report location in the Helical Insight repository.

    file=perfectstore.efw : created report name.

    Note: In this blog, we have only covered the steps which needs to be performed on Helical Insight application level. Now, there are also a few steps which you need to perform at your application level like how to create an encrypted token and passing to Helical Insight application. Please refer SSO Token Requirements in order to understand how this can be done.

Note 2: We should always keep in mind that there is a limit of characters in URL. Hence with the application name + report name + token the character limit should not cross character limit. In cases if we are passing a lot of roles and a lot of profilesnames (and profile values to those profilenames) then the token length will also increase. So we should be very careful while doing the same and create hierarchy or mapping to avoid such limit.

Note 3: There could be two ways of user creation i.e. one is via Helical Insight user role management UI. The second is via SSO code. A user who is already created from the user role management UI you can not create a token for that specific user and create a session. That means a user like hiadmin, hiuser etc who has already been created from the user role management a token can not be created for them and passed in the URL to create a session for them.

Helical Insight’s self-service capabilities is one to reckon with. It allows you to simply drag and drop columns, add filters, apply aggregate functions if required, and create reports and dashboards on the fly. For advanced users, the self-service component has ability to add javascript, HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3 and AJAX. These customizations allow you to create dynamic reports and dashboards. You can also add new charts inside the self-service component, add new kind of aggregate functions and customize it using our APIs.
Helical Insight’s self-service capabilities is one to reckon with. It allows you to simply drag and drop columns, add filters, apply aggregate functions if required, and create reports and dashboards on the fly. For advanced users, the self-service component has ability to add javascript, HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3 and AJAX. These customizations allow you to create dynamic reports and dashboards. You can also add new charts inside the self-service component, add new kind of aggregate functions and customize it using our APIs.
Helical Insight, via simple browser based interface of Canned Reporting module, also allows to create pixel perfect printer friendly document kind of reports also like Invoice, P&L Statement, Balance sheet etc.
Helical Insight, via simple browser based interface of Canned Reporting module, also allows to create pixel perfect printer friendly document kind of reports also like Invoice, P&L Statement, Balance sheet etc.
If you have a product, built on any platform like Dot Net or Java or PHP or Ruby, you can easily embed Helical Insight within it using iFrames or webservices, for quick value add through instant visualization of data.
If you have a product, built on any platform like Dot Net or Java or PHP or Ruby, you can easily embed Helical Insight within it using iFrames or webservices, for quick value add through instant visualization of data.
Being a 100% browser-based BI tool, you can connect with your database and analyse across any location and device. There is no need to download or install heavy memory-consuming developer tools – All you need is a Browser application! We are battle-tested on most of the commonly used browsers.
Being a 100% browser-based BI tool, you can connect with your database and analyse across any location and device. There is no need to download or install heavy memory-consuming developer tools – All you need is a Browser application! We are battle-tested on most of the commonly used browsers.
We have organization level security where the Superadmin can create, delete and modify roles. Dashboards and reports can be added to that organization. This ensures multitenancy.
We have organization level security where the Superadmin can create, delete and modify roles. Dashboards and reports can be added to that organization. This ensures multitenancy.
We have organization level security where the Superadmin can create, delete and modify roles. Dashboards and reports can be added to that organization. This ensures multitenancy.
We have organization level security where the Superadmin can create, delete and modify roles. Dashboards and reports can be added to that organization. This ensures multitenancy.
A first-of-its-kind Open-Source BI framework, Helical Insight is completely API-driven. This allows you to add functionalities, including but not limited to adding a new exporting type, new datasource type, core functionality expansion, new charting in adhoc etc., at any place whenever you wish, using your own in-house developers.
A first-of-its-kind Open-Source BI framework, Helical Insight is completely API-driven. This allows you to add functionalities, including but not limited to adding a new exporting type, new datasource type, core functionality expansion, new charting in adhoc etc., at any place whenever you wish, using your own in-house developers.
It handles huge volumes of data effectively. Caching, Pagination, Load-Balancing and In-Memory not only provides you with amazing experience, but also and does not burden the database server more than required. Further effective use of computing power gives best performance and complex calculations even on the big data even with smaller machines for your personal use. Filtering, Sorting, Cube Analysis, Inter Panel Communication on the dashboards all at lightning speed. Thereby, making best open-source Business Intelligence solution in the market.
It handles huge volumes of data effectively. Caching, Pagination, Load-Balancing and In-Memory not only provides you with amazing experience, but also and does not burden the database server more than required. Further effective use of computing power gives best performance and complex calculations even on the big data even with smaller machines for your personal use. Filtering, Sorting, Cube Analysis, Inter Panel Communication on the dashboards all at lightning speed. Thereby, making best open-source Business Intelligence solution in the market.
With advance NLP algorithm, business users simply ask questions like, “show me sales of last quarter”, “average monthly sales of my products”. Let the application give the power to users without knowledge of query language or underlying data architecture
With advance NLP algorithm, business users simply ask questions like, “show me sales of last quarter”, “average monthly sales of my products”. Let the application give the power to users without knowledge of query language or underlying data architecture
Our application is compatible with almost all databases, be it RDBMS, or columnar database, or even flat files like spreadsheets or csv files. You can even connect to your own custom database via JDBC connection. Further, our database connection can be switched dynamically based on logged in users or its organization or other parameters. So, all your clients can use the same reports and dashboards without worrying about any data security breech.
Our application is compatible with almost all databases, be it RDBMS, or columnar database, or even flat files like spreadsheets or csv files. You can even connect to your own custom database via JDBC connection. Further, our database connection can be switched dynamically based on logged in users or its organization or other parameters. So, all your clients can use the same reports and dashboards without worrying about any data security breech.
Our application can be installed on an in-house server where you have full control of your data and its security. Or on cloud where it is accessible to larger audience without overheads and maintenance of the servers. One solution that works for all.
Our application can be installed on an in-house server where you have full control of your data and its security. Or on cloud where it is accessible to larger audience without overheads and maintenance of the servers. One solution that works for all.
Different companies have different business processes that the existing BI tools do not encompass. Helical Insight permits you to design your own workflows and specify what functional module of BI gets triggered
Different companies have different business processes that the existing BI tools do not encompass. Helical Insight permits you to design your own workflows and specify what functional module of BI gets triggered