Open Source BI product Helical Insight comes with various kind of charts tables and crosstab (pivot) options for visualizing the data.
Helical Insight also gives you the option of integrating an external JS chart also in case if you are looking for something which is not directly possible. For this, we are using VF/Visualization Framework.
In order to implement VF, a VF file is created which includes charts JS script and can be used directly to create the desired visualization. We pass the data from our application into this VF file and the chart gets rendered. If the chart is requiring data in a specific format then the process of converting the data which we pass into the format which chart will understand is also written in this VF file only. Further this VF file also includes information about the default look and feel and functionalities of the chart.
We can integrate any java script charting engine using this VF.
We are providing the link of the C3 Pie chart which is taken as reference and we are going to integrate this specific JS chart. In a similar way you can integrate any other chart also.
Steps to create chart using EFWVF (EnterpriseFrameWorkVisualisation) method :
Below we are explaining the steps of integrating the chart using efwvf method
1) Using an IDE create a file with extension .efwvf and place inside the any folder or Subfolder of hi-repository. You can create any folder in fact and save this file there. You can download the sample VF file used in this example here efwvf file here
Path : ../hi/hi-repository/Pie Chart/Pie Chart.efwvf
Note : In local Helical instance we have created folder named as “Pie Chart”
2) The skeleton of the efwvf file as show below :
<Chart id="1">
<name>Sample Line Chart</name> // we can give the chart name to identify in the frontend
<type>Custom</type> // it should be always custom only
<DataSource></DataSource> // it should be always empty
/*write your custom code. This section will include the code that transforms the data into the format that is required by the chart for consumption to generate the visualization. */
3) In single efwvf file ,we can integrate more than one chart with different types of visualizations also and each one will have a different chartid.
Code of Pie chart :
<Chart id="1">
<name>Pie Chart</name>
if (data.length == 0) {
$('#chart_1').html("<div><h2 style='text-align:center;color:#927333;'>No Data To Display</h2></div>");
} else {
var array1=[];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var array2=[];
for (var prop in data[i]) {
array1[i] = array2;
var chart = c3.generate({
bindto: '#chart_1',
data: {
columns: array1,
type : 'pie'
tooltip: {
show: true
show: true
Explanation of code :
<Charts> //This main tag inside this all the charts will be configured with unique id
<Chart id="1">
<name>Pie Chart</name> // we can provide the chart name to identify in the frontend while browsing the custom chart
<type>Custom</type> // it should be always custom
<DataSource></DataSource> // it should be always empty
//write your custom code
2) Basically the entire data of selected columns in the frontend will be stored in the object “data” in the format of json.
In the data variable we get all the data present in json array format. We should convert the data and should use in the charts configuration in such a way that it accepts the data to generate respective chart
If the data is not present then we are displaying the message :
if (data.length == 0) {
$('#chart_1').html("<div><h2 style='text-align:CENTER;color:#927333;'>No Data To Display</h2></div>");
var array1=[];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var array2=[];
for (var prop in data[i]) {
array1[i] = array2;
var chart = c3.generate({
bindto: '#chart_1', // chart is binded to this div
data: {
columns: array1,
type : 'pie'
tooltip: {
show: true
show: true
Importing external CSS and JS :
By default libraries will be present in Helical Insight for c3 and d3 charts
Incase if a new chart is integrated it requires to import required css and js files. We should create a folder/sub folder inside hi-repository path and those JS and CSS files should be placed there. For example in the below case we have saved all the JS and CSS in the location “Custom_Charts/Libraries/pivot_table/”
CSS and JS should be imported at the beginning of the CDATA section.
This is a sample snippet for importing css :
var link1 = document.createElement("link");
link1.rel = 'stylesheet';
link1.href = window.DashboardGlobals.baseUrl+"/getExternalResource.html?path=Custom_Charts/Libraries/pivot_table/material.css";
link1.href = "getExternalResource.html?path=Custom_Charts/Libraries/pivot_table/material.css";
This is a sample snippet for importing js :
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = window.DashboardGlobals.baseUrl+"/getExternalResource.html?path=Custom_Charts/Libraries/synfusion.js";
script.src = "getExternalResource.html?path=Custom_Charts/Libraries/synfusion.js"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script);
Use Case of non iframe mode at Dashboard level:
It is recommended that you use the VF in non-iframe mode at dashboard level for better performance. In versions up to 4.0 RC2, if you want to use the VF in non-iframe mode, you need to use vf.js file. Please download this file (vf.js file here) and place it in the folder
In some cases there are certain APIs, for example API which provided metadata information and this API does not have access at dashboard level when iframe is disabled. In order to access the same APIs even when iframe is disabled, few additional things needs to be done :
Sample 1 :
var metadata;
if(typeof hi_container == 'undefined'){
metadata = containerRefs[chartElement]._values.responseData.metadata[0];
metadata = window.__hi_result.metadata[0];
Sample 2 : While rendering the chart on particular HTML div at Dashboard level unique render id will be present for every component in order to render same / different visualization multiple times without enabling iframe.
if(typeof hi_container == 'undefined'){
var render_id = containerRefs[chartElement]._values.renderId;
var append_id="#main-"+ render_id;
Usage of VF in Helical Insight :
Once you have created the VF file and saved it below mentioned are the steps how you can use the same to create reports.
- As we mentioned above newly integrated pie chart is present in the below path :
…\hi\hi-repository\Pie Chart\Pie Chart.efwvf
2. Go to adhoc report create module
3. Select the metadata and drag the required field over report pane

4. Now select the “VF” option present in the visualizations

5. Select use VF after that custom chart will be generated as below

6. Save the report and open in new window :