In this Article, we will provide you brief on Bar Chart/Graph. A bar chart or bar graph is a chart that shows the grouped data with rectangular bars. A bar graph is a chart that uses either horizontal bars or vertical bars to show comparisons among various categories. A vertical bar chart is sometimes called as column bar charts. One axis of the chart shows the specific categories being compared, and the other axis represents unique value.
When to Used Bar Charts:
A bar chart uses bars to show comparisons between categories of data. These bars can be displayed horizontally or vertically. A bar graph will always have two axis. One axis will generally have numerical values, and the other will describe the types of categories being compared.
If we have data that needs to be compared and we would like to represent through a chart, then a bar chart would be the best option.
Different Types of Bar Chats:
- Grouped Bar Charts: In this type of charts, we can compare more complex data with grouped bars charts. For each categorical groups, there are two or more bars. These bars are color-coded to show a particular group.
- Stacked Bar Charts: These charts are used to show the different groups on top of each other. These charts show the data in the same sequence on each bar. Where as grouped bar charts present the data in same, order in each group.
Helical Insight has an inbuilt Bar chart option inside Adhoc. You can connect to database, drag and drop the columns, add filter if required and visualize the data in a bar chart inside browser. Further customization’s can be done on the by adding CSS, HTML and Javascripts. Customization could be things like the color of the bars, hover-over information, adding gridlines, axis information, header etc.
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