In this blog, we will see how to add static line in axis charts. This will work on most of the axis chart like bar, line, area line, area spline, stacked etc and the steps to be followed are the same.
In case if we need to add static line to axis charts in order to compare with a static value (like average, minimum etc.) then this kind of customization script can be used. In order to apply the customization script, go to “Customize” section of the report create or report edit interface.
Double click on Static Line Addition icon. A modal window will open as shown below:
Add the value, the label for the line, the type of line, axis and color that you want. You can add multiple lines by clicking on Add button
You will see the Static Line Addition icon is highlighted. Click on the small tick to apply the script.
The lines are added as per conditions specified.
Helical Insight