- Toggle Metadata: It allows user to hide/unhide the metadata tables & columns on clicking. Tab is always available on the left side of the window in adhoc page. Once the report is created, this tab can be used to hide so that the space available to show the report is more.
Hide Mode:
Unhide Mode:
- Search: If a user wants to search a particular column from the list of columns available in the multiple tables then user can search column by typing the name in search bar. Search is also helpful to identify the tables having columns of same name.
- Toggle Metadata: It allows user to hide/unhide the metadata tables & columns on clicking. Tab is always available on the left side of the window in adhoc page. Once the report is created, this tab can be used to hide so that the space available to show the report is more.
- Identify type of data from columns.
Different icons are used in order to identify the type of data present. This is helpful to identify data type and create report. Following signs are used to identify data type which are:
(Numeric Data)
(Text Data)
- Identify type of data from columns.
- Filter: If a user wants to apply certain conditions on the data, then user has to go for filter option. Filter could be things like product name, date range, geography so on and so forth. Filter is generally applied on the columns, by clicking filter icon.
For More Info, Contact us at demo@helicalinsight.com