A View is a virtual table based on the result set of an SQL statement. It is primarily used for designing complex reports which are a bit difficult to achieve using the drag drop interface. The output structure of those SQLviews are saved as a separate table in the metadata which can then in-turn be
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The ad-hoc interface for creating reports looks like: Tables/columns panel: All the tables and the columns under them can be seen in this panel on the left. Users can use these columns to create a report. Selection area: This is an area where all the columns selected for creating reports are
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Approach Helical Insight(BI) -> Fire SQL Query -> Map Cassandra with hive (one-time activity) -> Fetch data from Cassandra Just in Time This approach involves creation of mapping tables in Hive meta-store of SPARK which have one-to-one mapping to Cassandra DB tables. Helical Insight can connect to this Hive meta-store using SPARK’s Thrift Server which
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In this blog, we have discussed the steps involved in connecting Helical Insight to Apache Druid. In order to start creating analytics with Apache Druid, follow the below given steps: 1. Download this folder Druid_Configure Files.zip and unzip it. 2. The file named “avatica-1.17.0.jar” is the JDBC driver for Apache Druid. Upload the JDBC Driver
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In this post (Accessing Reports / Dashboards Created Using Helical Insight Publicly), we were passing authentication details (username and password) in the URL along with directory and file name. In this post, we hide those authentication details and just pass directory and file name to the URL. We will write a simple JavaScript code that
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In this article we will cover how to use Mongo Db 3.4.3(plus) version with SSL enabled using Helical Insight. Follow the below steps to use Mango 3.4.3(plus) with SSL Step1: Go to the Helical Insight tomcat lib location Location: C:\Helical Insight\apache-tomcat-7\webapps\hi\WEB-INF\lib Step2: Take the backup of the below jar files from above location calcite-mongodb-1.8.2.jar mongo-java-driver-2.14.3.jar
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There might be certain cases in which people might be interested in embedding report / dashboard built using Helical Insight solution on their website which can then be used by anybody, without the need to login i.e. it should be accessible publicly. In this article we will cover how to access report/dashboard created using Helical
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We Can Use Neo4j Graph Database with EFW reports: Note: This blog is applicable for HI Version Helical Insight v1.0.0 Follow these steps to use Neo4j Graph database with helical insight: Step 1: First we have to Download Neo4j JDBC driver to Neo4j graph database with HI You can download Neo4j driver from here Step
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NOTE: This blog is relevant to version 1.0 of Helical Insight and will not work for any other version. You can know the version from the bottom left (above file browser) or from the admin page. Note: This article doesn’t change any functionality or styles of normal application flow. Instead, changes are made in such
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In this article, you will learn about the role of EFW file in a report creation. The EFW file is an XML file which serves as the entry point for the report. This file contains the information required to run the report. Below is the code for sample efw file. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <efw>
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