This article shows how to connect Helical Insight Application with a MongoDB datasource. In Helical Insight version 1.0.1 beta currently we are not providing a UI for directly connecting to MongoDB which we are working upon. Meanwhile MongoDB datasource usage inside Helical Insight is a backend process. There are 2 file types required for proper
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In our earlier blog “EFW for Creating a Report“, we have discussed about how to create a report using EFW and necessary files required to implement it. For creating a Tabular report using EFW method, there are 4 files required to visualize it which are EFW (.efw) – Entry point of the report. It contains
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Add New Database: Helical Insight supports a variety of databases, it also gives you the flexibility of adding all together a new DB even if it is not present in the list. If your database is not found in the list that comes out-of-the-box, you can add the driver by following the process given below:
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NOTE: This blog is relevant to version 3.0, 3.1, 4.0 and 4.1 of Helical Insight and will not work for any other version. You can know the version from the bottom left (above file browser) or from the admin page. This article briefs you about how you can completely white label and change the look
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In our earlier articles, we have talked about how to connect single datasource using Helical Insight. This article talks about how to connect multiple datasources using Helical Insight v1.0.1 .In this case we have referred CSV and MySQL as a datasources. Steps: Create a folder inside HI Repository. In this case, we have created a
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Steps: Login into Helical Insight Application. Click on the Datasource tab Now click on the “Edit” option. Now, select Datasource Type. In this case “Virtual Datasource” is selected. On selecting datasource type,a list of datasources will be displayed.Also,intended datasource can be searched using “Search Datasource” in case multiple datasources are present. For further assistance,
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Steps: Create a folder inside HI Repository. In this case we have created a folder named “CSV Datasource”. C:\Helical Insight\hi-repository\CSV Datasource Inside this folder create another folder and save the CSV file inside it. In our case we have created a folder named “CSV”. C:\Helical Insight\hi-repository\CSV Datasoure\CSV Place the CSV which you intend to use
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In this blog we will cover how to connect Open Source BI product Helical Insight application with Hive database. Click on “Data Sources” page. The list of Data sources is present as a collection of icons for each database. Click on “Hive”. Now in the “Create” tab, enter the following details: Host: Enter the server
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Following are the steps to configure Hive Datasource into Helical Insight Application : Go to Tomcat Library folder Path: “ C:\Helical Insight\apache-tomcat-7\webapps\hi\WEB-INF\lib “ Note : Path address will depend on where the Helical Insight application is installed. Here, Helical Insight Application is installed in windows C drive. Extract the jar files provided into lib folder.
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To display specific data on a dashboard a card is used. There can be multiple cards on a single dashboard. This article talks about how to create such cards using Helical Insight VF. Some of the Card VF developed using Helical Insight: Steps: Download this file. The unzipped folder, named “VF FILES”, is to be
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