In this blog, we will see how to customize the axis tick in Helical Insight. This will work on most of the axis chart like bar, line, area line, area spline, stacked etc. In order to customize the axis tick, click on the “Customize” button on the report create or report edit page. Double click
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In this blog, we will see how to customize the color of axis charts in Helical Insight. This will work on most of the axis chart like bar, line, area line, area spline, stacked etc. The steps mentioned in the below are the same. In order to customize the color of the chart, click on
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In this blog, we will see how to customize the legends in axis charts. This will work on most of the axis chart like bar, line, area line, area spline, stacked etc. The legends customization script is used to change the position of the legend or to hide the legend altogether. In order to apply
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In this blog, we will see how to use combination chart in Helical Insight. This will work on most of the axis chart like bar, line, area line, area spline, stacked etc. The steps mentioned below are the same. Sometimes, we have 2 measures that we want to depict on the same chart and
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In this blog, we will see how to set the background color for report in Helical Insight. The background customization script can be applied on all the charts. In order to use the customization script, click on “Customize” button on report create or report edit page. Note that if you are going to use this
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In this blog, we shall see how to customize the marker for the gauge chart in Helical Insight. The customization is same for both linear and circular gauge. The steps are exactly the same for both linear and circular gauge. In order to apply customization, click on the “Customize” button on report create or report
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In this blog, we shall see how to customize the bands displayed for the gauge chart in Helical Insight. The gauges are generally used to show achieved in a target, so we can have various kind of bands along with configurable colors for those bands using the steps described in this blog. The customization steps
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In this blog, we shall see how to customize the tooltip for the gauge chart in Helical Insight. The customization is same for both linear and circular gauge. In order to apply customization, click on the “Customize” button on report create or report edit page. Tooltip is displayed when we hover on the marker of
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In this blog, we shall see how to customize the scale for the gauge chart in Helical Insight. The customization is same for both linear and circular gauge. With this configuration you can specify the minimum and maximum value in the created linear or circular gauge. In order to apply customization, click on the “Customize”
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In this blog, we shall see how to create a stacked bar chart in Helical Insight. To create stacked bar charts, the first dimension (shown on the axis) will be the first column. Each data item to be shown in the stack should be shown in separate columns. Hence in certain cases you might have
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