In this blog, we shall see how to customize the tooltip for the gauge chart in Helical Insight. The customization is same for both linear and circular gauge. In order to apply customization, click on the “Customize” button on report create or report edit page. Tooltip is displayed when we hover on the marker of
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Use case: When a client is integrating Helical Insight then you may want to make sure that the user should only be able to view the reports and dashboards which are integrated within your application. Even if a person is able to inspect and find the Helical Insight BI URL even then he should not
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In this blog we are going to cover the best practices which you should follow while creating a dashboard using dashboard designer of Helical Insight so that by default it looks professional and aesthetically appealing: On right-click on any component on the dashboard, a user gets option to change the header, background, alignment of the
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In order to migrate the dashboard created in Helical Insight from one server to another server, the steps involved are creating data sources connection, metadata, reports, and the dashboard. We would be covering in details the step involved in migrating from source to target. Below mentioned are the details of the source: Source Server: Data
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Helical Insight dashboard designer allows you an extensive settings options allowing you to define various kind of configuration while you are exporting the dashboard as PDF. Click on the Settings button at the end of the toolbar. Click on Edit icon next to Dashboard. You will see the various frames that are available by default.
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In this blog we will learn about how to add scrollings for the groups in Helical Insight in dashboard designer. In certain cases you may keep the size of the group smaller as compared to the elements. In that cases if the Group Scroll is false then the extra size of the panel will get
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Helical Insight dashboard designer also allows you to inject your own code at entire dashboard level or individual report level. On right click it has got HTML CSS JS options as well. Again, as mentioned earlier, on whichever component you right click, the code will get applied to that specific component. Below we have covered
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This article explains you about overlays in dashboard designer using Helical Insight application. In certain cases in a dashboard we may want to make components on top of each other as overlays. For example company logo should be on top right of the report panel etc. In order to make components as overlays make them
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In this blog, we will explain you about “Grouping” one or more components in dashboard designer using Helical Insight Application. Grouping allows you to make multiple components and make it part of one group. This allows multiple benefits like allowing you to have things as overlays, In order to use grouping place the components next
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On the dashboard designer page there are multiple operations and functionalities which can be done on right click. Now on whatever component the right click happens, the functionality/UX changes get applied to that specific component. For instance, the components can be added report, added image, added text box, a group. Please note that some of
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