If a user wants to rename the folder, he can right click on the folder and “Rename” option appears. As shown in the snapshot above, a window appears for renaming. User can put the name and then save the folder with the new name. If the person does not type any name at all, validations
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In this article, we will explain how to create a new folder. If a user wants to create his own folder, he can right click and choose “New Folder” option. Then the user will have to name the folder and click on save. If no name is entered, validation will happen and appropriate error message
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In this article, we will explain about the repository document information. Once the user puts in the required credentials, he will be able to login and will see the repository. There are different options on the top which end user can see; based on his/her access level. If logged in via admin, there would be
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While viewing the properties of files, there is something known as Permission level. In this tool there are basically 6 level of permissions. Permission Level Access Description 0 No Access User has no access to the file. User can’t see it in repository, and can’t do any other operation even if he knows the URL.
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