In certain cases you may want to display the total value at the centre of the donut chart. In this blog, we shall see how to add title that displays the total at the centre of the donut. The “Title Settings” customization script is used to show the value of the measure in donut chart.
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In this blog, we will see how to customize the range for Y axis in Helical Insight. This will work on most of the axis chart like bar, line, area line, area spline, stacked etc. In order to customize the Y axis range, click on the “Customize” button on the report create or report edit
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In this blog, we will see how to change the color of axis chart based on value in Helical Insight. This will work on most of the axis chart like bar, line, area line, area spline, stacked etc. The steps mentioned are the same. In order to apply customization, click on “Customize” button on report
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Adding Static Line in Axis Chart. This will work on most of the axis chart like bar, line, area line, area spline, stacked etc and the steps to be followed are the same.
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In this blog, we will see how to customize the color of axis charts in Helical Insight. This will work on most of the axis chart like bar, line, area line, area spline, stacked etc. The steps mentioned in the below are the same. In order to customize the color of the chart, click on
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In this blog, we will see how to interchange the positions of X and Y axis by using the axis rotate script in Helical Insight. This will work on most of the axis chart like bar, line, area line, area spline, stacked etc. In order to apply customization, click on “Customize” button on report create
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In this blog, we will see how to customize the legends in axis charts. This will work on most of the axis chart like bar, line, area line, area spline, stacked etc. The legends customization script is used to change the position of the legend or to hide the legend altogether. In order to apply
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In this blog, we will see how to set the color for specific datapoint in Helical Insight. This will work on most of the axis chart like bar, line, area line, area spline, stacked etc. The steps mentioned are the same. With this customization if we would like we can specify the color of the
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In this blog, we will see how to show data labels of axis charts in Helical Insight. This will work on most of the axis chart like bar, line, area line, area spline, stacked etc. In order to apply customization, click on “Customize” button on report create or report edit page. Double click
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In this blog, we will see how to change the axis tick rotation of axis chart in Helical Insight. This will work on most of the axis chart like bar, line, area line, area spline, stacked etc. This kind of customization is especially useful when the names are long and we would like to rotate
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