Discover the transformative impact of Business Intelligence in Education through our comprehensive blog, highlighting its role in data-driven decision-making and improving student outcomes.
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In this blog we are going to cover the need of migration from ChartIO as well as the details of a cost affective open source BI option which can be tried along with a small brief of its features. you can find here best Open Source BI Alternative Replacement of Chartio because they just got
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Data visualization is the process of transforming data into graphical representations that are easy to understand. By making data easier to understand, data visualization can help decision makers identify trends and patterns that would otherwise be hidden in a mass of data.
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The definition of Business Intelligence (BI) can be quite complex, but in general, it is a process of transforming raw data into meaningful and insightful information that can help businesses make better decisions. BI involves using various tools and techniques to collect, analyze and report on data that is relevant to the organization’s operations. Why
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In the below blog we will cover the steps to migrate your Helical Insight application from older version to version 4.1 GA. Before starting the migration, please take the backup of following files/folders. Helical Insight Repository (which contains all reports, dashboard, metadata and other work related files). Take the backup of entire Helical Insight repository
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Open Source BI product Helical Insight comes with various kind of charts tables and crosstab (pivot) options for visualizing the data. Helical Insight also gives you the option of integrating an external JS chart also in case if you are looking for something which is not directly possible. For this, we are using VF/Visualization Framework.
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By default Helical Insight is accessible using IPaddress:portnumber/applicationextension like In this document, we have tried to cover one of the use cases of providing sub-domain name instead of IP address or localhost like using rather than the actual IPaddress. Open the file server.xml which is present at the location given below: Location:: \hi\apache-tomcat-7\conf
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This blog will let you know to export excel using apache poi hwf and customize the excel like adding more information like the filters used in the report, heading. We should create an object in HTML file which contains the map-id from an efwd file, all the required input parameters for executing the query and
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Prerequisite : Java 8+ installed and JAVA HOME is set. Install apache tomcat 7+ Need to have any one of the database server installed like Derby, MySQL, Postgres, MSSQL etc Steps to Deploy HI application : Extract helicalinsight-ee- RC1.jar file. Once you extract this you will find and hi-ee.war Unzip the file
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