In this blog, we have discussed the steps involved in connecting Helical Insight to Apache Druid. In order to start creating analytics with Apache Druid, follow the below given steps:
1. Download this folder Druid_Configure and unzip it.
2. The file named “avatica-1.17.0.jar” is the JDBC driver for Apache Druid. Upload the JDBC Driver by going to the DataSources page and clicking on “Add driver”.

3. Navigate to the path “..\hi\hi-repository\System\Admin” and replace the files,, sqlFunctionsXmlMapping.xml with the files present in the downloaded folder. It is essential to replace all of these files.
4. Navigate to the path “..hi\hi-repository\System\Admin\SqlFunctions” and replace the files druid.xml, druid.js with the files present in the downloaded folder.
5. Navigate to the path “..\hi\hi-repository\System\Admin\Static” and replace the files DataSourcesList.groovy with the file present in the downloaded folder.
6. Restart the Helical Insight server. You can now find Druid in the list of datasources on the DataSources page.
7. Click on Druid and provide the connection URL in the following format:
Provide the username and password. Test the connection and Save the Datasource.

Once the connection is established, you can start creating your reports within a few minutes. For more information, contact us on