NOTE: From version 5.2.2 of Open Source BI Helical Insight, we have provided DIRECT inbuilt support to connect and use JSON, CSV, Excel, GoogleSheet, API etc. There is no dependence on other middleware (like Apache Drill) and this is a recommended approach to be used. If you are using older version or want to use Apache drill, then continue to read the below.
Visit this blog to learn how to connect and use Excel as a datasource using Apache Drill
Users can now directly upload flat files like CSV, JSON, Parquet, TSV, Avro and Sequence Files to Helical Insight. Following steps need to be followed.
Step 1: Download, install and start Apache Drill. To learn how to install Drill.
Step 2: Configure the middleware to support flat files.
Step 3: Go to Data Sources page. You can now see the icons of various flat files.
Step 4: Click on the type of flat file you want to use. You will be taken to Create popup.
Step 5: Click on Upload File. Select the file that you want to upload. The name of the file will appear in the URL box. A green tick mark will appear which indicates that the file has been successfully uploaded.
Click on Clear to clear the file name and upload another file.
Step 6: Enter the Datasource Name in the space provided.
Step 7: This step is optional. If you want to view the advanced settings, click on Advanced link on top of upload file button. Following advanced settings will appear:
- Driver: This is the database driver. By default, for flat files a custom driver name is generated by Helical Insight.
- DataSource: This is the datasource provider. By default it is Tomcat.
Step 8: Click on Test Connection to test the connection.
Step 9: Once the test is successful, click on Save DataSource. The following screen will appear. You can now use this connection to:
- Create a Metadata
- Edit the DataSource
- Share the DataSource
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