Prerequisites : Helical Insight 4.0
Database : Postgress
In this blog will see how we can create a docker for Helical Insight with Postgres as backend database
Step 1: Folder structure
a.This is folder structure which I have maintained

Step 2: Create a docker file for helical insight by following below blog
a.Place hi docker file and required HI_EE Files/Folders in “hi” folder and
Step 3:Create a docker file for Postgress

Place the postgres docker file in “pg” folder
Step 4: Create a volume which helps to store the postgres data
a.To create Volume
docker volume create <volumename>
eg:docker volume create postgresdata
b.To know location of volume where its got created
docker volume inspect <volumename>

Step 5 :Need to create docker-compose.yml

Step 6: Update the Postgres details in helical application-context.xml and quartz properties with environment variable of Postgres IP

Step 7: Need to run the docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up -d
Step 8: Check the running dockers,it need to show 2 process one for HI and another for Postgres
docker ps

Step 9: Access the HI-EE application ,I have accessed by tunnling to 9090

Step 10: Output
