Requirement: Java 1.7+
Download Helical Insight 2.0 executable and save it in your desired location.
In order to install hi-ee using command line
1. Open command prompt (windows) or / terminal (linux and MAC).
2. Go to the location where you have saved Helical Insight 2.0 via terminal/command prompt. Type “java -jar helicalinsight-ee- RC1”. (name of the jar file).
Steps has the following screens
A) Welcome Screen:
B) Accept User License Agreement:
press “y”/Y and then press “ENTER Key”
C) Exporting Files and configuring Application properties:
D) Final step message “Helical Insight application started” appears once the process is over.
To access the application use the following ip address on a web browser.
Load URL: <your IP address>:<port number(default: 8085)>/hi-ee
e.g. http://localhost:8085/hi-ee
Welcome page should appear as shown below
Note : In case while installing if the port number 8085 is occupied then it will prompt you to enter another port number. Accordingly the application URL will get changed.
After installation, a hi folder is created in user home directory
eg. In windows C:\Users\{username}\hi
In Linux /home/{username}/hi
hi Folder Content :
1) hi-repository — contains reports.
2) jetty — contains Applications library files, css and js files.
3) logs — contains Installation.logs file created at the time of installation. This file contains log of different levels like trace log/ error / debug / info etc.
4) db/hiee — contains database hiee. Hiee database contains user information, admin information, roles and other user role profile and organization management details. By default this installer is having derby as the database and jetty as web application server.
5) db/SampleTravelData — database for sample travel data
6) — contains basic configuration like port number, context name, installHiCE flag and thread related configuration.
7) hi-ee.war file — It is used by jetty server at the time of installation.
After Installation:
By default jetty server uses 8085 port number. If the port number is already being used you will be prompted for a new alternate port number.
By default the context name used by jetty server is /hi-ee.
Once the installation is completed successfully, message “Helical Insight application started” appears in the command prompt. You can then go ahead and access Helical Insight from a web browser.
Load URL: :/hi-ee
Restarting Application
Note: This is an executable jar file and not an installer. So once the Helical Insight application is stopped or server is rebooted you will not be able to access Helical Insight. In order to access the same again you can use any of the two methods mentioned below
1) Run Helical Insight manually by executing the same command which was used at the time of installation (java -jar {path to helicalinsight-ee-2.0.0.jar}). You can create a batch file or sh file which can be saved in startup folder with the instructions to execute the jar file.
2) You can also use the Helical Insight installer which will come with the required services which will automatically get started when the server is started
For superadministrator,
Organization : leave it blank
Username : hiadmin
Password : hiadmin
For Superuser,
Orgnanization : leave it blank
Username : hiuser
Password : hiuser
After logging in these credentials can be changed, deleted, edited etc
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Migration from Jetty to Tomcat and Migration from Derby to MySQL