In this article you will learn about how to implement Interpanel Communication using Dashboard Designer in Helical Insight. In Interpanel communication, when any region is selected from a panel then based on that another panel gets updated.
Let us understand with an example. Suppose inter-panel communication to happen between a chart and a table. then follow the steps to implement :
Step1: Create a new Adhoc chart report. Here we will create a Pie Chart. Also, you can create other charts.
a) Go to adhoc editor mode.
b) Drag-drop necessary columns in the selection box.
c) Select chart option, select chart type from the list and click on generate report.
d) On clicking generate report , the output will be
e) Now, define a filter. In this case filter name defined as “TERRITORY”. Also, filter can used as Input Parameter in Dashboard Designer.
f) On applying filter condition, click generate report, to view output.
g) Now, using Javascript code we will define click event, define setvariable. On clicking any region the value of that region is assigned to that setvariable.
Javascript Code :
$(document).ready(function() {
document.getElementById("main").addEventListener("click", function(d) {
var t =;
if (t.classList.contains("c3-arc")) {
var e =;
Description : Now on clicking any region the value of clicked region is assigned to setVariable “TERRITORY_2”. It also means that other panel will be able to listen “TERRITORY_2” variable for communication.
h) Now, save the report. In this case report is named as “ChartReport”
Step2 : Similarly, we will create another report which is a Tabular Report. In this case we will create a filter, which can be used a input in Dashboard designer.
Note : Filter Name is not mandatory to be same.
Javascript code is not required in this case for this tabular report.
Now, generate report and save. Here report name given is “Tabular Report”.
Step3: Go to dashboard designer.
Step4: Insert a report which is chartreport from the list
Step5: Now, insert another report which is a tabularreport from the list
Step6: To view the list of variables used in the dashboard designer click (available on top left)
Step6 : Now, configuration is required for each panet. For, chart report click on edit and an window “Select Options” pops up where you can do necessary configuration. In this case configuration is shown below.
To know more about “Select Options” in details click here
Step7 : Similarly, for tabularreport configuration the setting details are :
Description: In this set a listener value to “TERRITORY_2” because for chartreport the value is set for this variable. Hence, tabularreport will listen to this variable. Then set Input Value to “TERRITORY_2” because this panel is getting value from “TERRITORY_2 variable” and set Input Name to TERRITORY because filter name used was TERRITORY.
Step8: Now, select any region from chartreport and tabularreport gets reflected. Hence, the interpanel communication is achieved successfully between chart and table.