The Organization Tab in Helical Insight is a place where an Organization Lists are managed such as Add New Organization, Delete existing organization and Search in the organization list.
Who Manage the Organizations
The organizations are managed by the SuperAdmin. Superadmin is a user with Role as “Admin” but no organization is assigned to him. Multiple superadmin can be created. For more details on SuperAdmin please refer blog Admin vs SuperAdmin.
Once you login with the SuperAdmin account you can see the “Organization Tab”. Below is the UI which we can see when a SuperAdmin logs-in and clicks on the “Organization” tab.
Search Function
There is a search functionality present on top of the tabular report. By selecting in which type we want to search (“User”, “Email”, “Organization”, “Roles”) and putting the keywords in the search bar, search operation can be performed.
Show Entries Function
This function help to view number of entries a user wants to view in single page.
Add Organisation function
It helps in adding new organisation to the list
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