In order to use the customization script, click on “Customize” button on report create or report edit page.

Double click on the Report Heading icon and the following modal will open

You can set the font size, type, weight, color, alignment as well as background of the heading.
In the Report Heading text box, enter the text that you want to see.

Click Ok.
You will see that the Report Heading icon is highlighted. Click on the small tick to apply the customization.

You can apply sub heading to report only if the report heading is already applied.
Double click on the Report Sub Heading icon and the following modal will open

You can set the font size, type, weight, color, alignment as well as background of the sub heading.
In the Report Sub-Heading text box, enter the text that you want to see.

Click Ok.
You will see that the Report Heading and Report subheading icons are highlighted. Click on the small tick to apply the customization.

The customization is applied.

Helical Insight