In order to apply customization to the tabular report, click on the “Customize” button on report create or report edit page.

If you want to define the colours that will be used for the table, you can use the table color customization script.
Double click on the table color customization icon. The following modal window will appear.

You can select one of the themes readily available. The selected color theme will be highlighted. There are 6 pre built themes which are present. Click on Ok.

The Table Color Customization icon will be highlighted. Click on the small tick to apply the customization.

The customization theme is applied.
You can define your own color themes for the table report. For this, click on the toggle button to go to Advanced mode. Select the colours for the Heading, Heading font color, Body and Body Font Color. Click on Ok.

Apply the customization by clicking on the small tick. The customization is applied.

Helical Insight