In this blog, we will see how to customize the legends in pie or donut charts. The legends customization script is used to change the position of the legend or to hide the legend altogether. The steps mentioned below are exactly the same whether its a pie chart or donut chart. In order to apply
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This blog is relevant to version 4.1 or older version of Helical Insight Enterprise version. In this blog, we shall see how to customize the card widget in Helical Insight. This will allow various kind of customizations like the text, number, prefix, suffic, font size, font type, color etc. For this, we are going to
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In this blog, we will see how to set the heading and sub heading for report in Helical Insight. This customization will work for all the charts. Please note that there are also option of adding Header even at dashboard level, here when you add it will get added at the report level. In order
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In this blog, we will see how to set the background color for report in Helical Insight. The background customization script can be applied on all the charts. In order to use the customization script, click on “Customize” button on report create or report edit page. Note that if you are going to use this
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In this blog, we shall see how to customize the marker for the gauge chart in Helical Insight. The customization is same for both linear and circular gauge. The steps are exactly the same for both linear and circular gauge. In order to apply customization, click on the “Customize” button on report create or report
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In this blog, we shall see how to customize the bands displayed for the gauge chart in Helical Insight. The gauges are generally used to show achieved in a target, so we can have various kind of bands along with configurable colors for those bands using the steps described in this blog. The customization steps
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In Settings tab, users can change the sample size to any numerical value or select full sample size. Note : Sample size is the size of data that would be visualized while you create a report. Users can unselect the option of prepending the table names. Doing this, users would then only see the column
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Editor Tab is especially for the developers who can modify the results using HTML & CSS. At the report level interface you can see Editor Icon clicking on that you can see two options i.e. JS Editor & CSS Editor. 1. JS editor: Users can write Java scripts in this section for adding customizations like
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In this article, you will learn how to add styles and scripts in Helical Insight, including the best practices for incorporating CSS styles and JavaScript code into your reports and dashboards.
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In this article you will learn about how to create a chess pattern in table with alternate cells in different colors both horizontally and vertically.
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