In our last post we discussed the need of BI tools. Click here to read about it. In this post let us explore the features that we should consider while purchasing a BI product. We shall further explore what makes each BI product stand out. Before opening the pandora’s box with the tools which are
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The definition of Business Intelligence (BI) can be quite complex, but in general, it is a process of transforming raw data into meaningful and insightful information that can help businesses make better decisions.
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Sometimes, you may want to modify the query generated for a report based on the input parameters selected by end user. Different filter values may trigger different queries in such cases. To achieve this easily, dynamic query view feature has been added at metadata level in Helical Insight. What is dynamic query? Dynamic query essentially
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This blog gives details about the filter expressions that can be used in the dynamic query view on the metadata page of Helical Insight. Dynamic queries allow the report level filters to be used in the view to generate the query based on those filters. Filters can be accessed by using the ${filter} notation. Filter
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Introduction: In this blog we are going to explain how to use checkbox in multi select parameters in Community Edition Reports. Here we are creating a sample report which shows travel medium wise cost. Please make sure you have gone through the blog “Introduction to Community Reporting Interface.” Steps to create pie chart using filter
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Introduction : There might be certain reports/dashboards wherein we would also need “ALL” as one of the input values, so when ALL is selected the entire data will be shown and then further use can further select any specific value. This ALL can be preset in both single select and multiple select input parameters. In
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In this blog, we shall see how to create a stacked bar chart in Helical Insight. To create stacked bar charts, the first dimension (shown on the axis) will be the first column. Each data item to be shown in the stack should be shown in separate columns. Hence in certain cases you might have
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Introduction: In many cases we would like to display the filters values which have been selected at a specific place. So in this blog we would describe how that can be done. Concept: Via dashboard.getVariables(NameOfFilterVariable) we can get the values of the selected filters. Fo what we can do is we can create some HTML
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Once you have created a report using applied database function there might be a need to delete the applied DB function or change those values. In this blog, we will learn how we can go about doing the same. Below is the snapshot of the report which is created by applying Database function on one
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In this blog we shall see how Impersonate/Mimic feature works in Open Source BI product Helical Insight. The impersonate feature has been added to Helical Insight so that when an admin applies certain security conditions for a user/shares certain resources with a user, he can then see via this functionality whether the same have been
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