Here we will cover the steps about how to migrate your Helical Insight application from an Older version to Helical Insight EE version (released on 24 Aug 2021). With this specific version we have migrated globalConnection.xml to database resulting in better performance and concurrency, pagination at the metadata level and fixing of some other
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In this blog we will cover how to use helical insight with ADFS SSO option. Prerequisite: HI-EE 4.1.18666 or higher must be installed ADFS should be running Steps 1. Save your federationmetadata.xml file on the below path “..hi\apache-tomcat-9\hi-ee\WEB-INF\classes\” It can be downloaded from online based on your ADFS domain https://< your hostname >/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml 2. Generate
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Introduction : In this blog we are going to explain how to create a tabular report which represents the source wise travel cost by filtering based on Journey_type (multi-select) input control using community (CE) reporting method in Helical Insight. Please make sure you have gone through the blog “Introduction to Community Reporting Interface.” Steps to
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Introduction: In this blog we are going to explain how to create a bar chart which represents the Source wise Cost of Travel with a filter based on Journey_type (multi-select). Please make sure you have gone through the blog “Introduction to Community Reporting Interface” Steps to Creating Bar chart (Axis chart) with Multi Select Parameter
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In this article, you will learn about the role of EFW file in a report creation. The EFW file is an XML file which serves as the entry point for the report. This file contains the information required to run the report. Below is the code for sample efw file. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <efw>
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Till now we have created reports and dashboards by downloading and editing the files of Template folder. We are using D3, C3 and datatables for visualization purposes, those relevant CSS and JS files are linked in the template.html file. You might be interested in creating reports and dashboards in your own folder. Below steps will
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Now, that we have made a dashboard with multiple reports (How To Create Dashboard In Helical Insight CE), we will see how we can change the look and feel of the dashboard by adding color, images etc. Since the customization is done in an HTML markup, user can easily add any JavaScript functionalities in<script> tag
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The charting engine which we are by default providing with Helical Insight Community Edition is D3 and C3 charts. Being a BI framework we allow you the flexibility to add any sort of javascripting charting engine. In this article we will cover how you can customize the look and feel of these default charts to
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In this article we will learn how to create a dashboard with multiple reports in it. For creating a single report, we create a <div> with a unique id and leave it empty for the chart to be rendered in it. On running the report, chart will be rendered in the created <div>. Define the
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Earlier we have added an input control or filter to the report created using Helical Insight CE. In this article we will be changing the type of input control. There could be various kind of input controls like single select, multiple select, searchable single select, searchable multiple select, date picker, date range etc. See the
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