For the Sunburst Chart, apart from the standard chart customizations, there is a script which helps the user to customize the color of the chart based on the value. Step 1: Create a report with Sunburst chart visualization. Step 2: Double Click on the “Set Chart Colour” button. A popup will appear. Step 3: Click
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Helical Insight offers out-of-the-box customization scripts. Some customizations such as report background, header, footer, heading, tooltip etc. are common for all chart types. However, there are other unique chart customization scripts based on the type of chart that has been chosen. Detailed steps to customize Dendogram charts are given in this blog. Create a Report
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In this blog we are listing down the supported database drivers and relevant dependecy jar files, if any. Some of the databases are well tested but we are not able to include within the application by defaul because of CopyLeft/GPL etc kind of licensing issues. Hence you can download from here, then upload and start
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A lot of NoSQL and non-relational databases (like Mongo, Elastic Search etc) are able to store the data in the form of arrays, JSON and objects. In many cases, we would like to access this unstructured data for creating reports like bursting, flattening, finding key values etc. There are a couple of options which Helical
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It is possible to use MongoDB with Open Source BI product Helical Insight. There are two methods via which we can use Mongo inside Helical Insight. Method 1 : Via Dremio Method 2: Via Drill. Read on to learn how to connect via Apache Drill. Users can connect to MongoDB in Helical Insight via Apache
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It is possible to use MongoDB with Open Source BI product Helical Insight. There are two methods via which we can use Mongo inside Helical Insight. Method 1 : Via Apache Drill Method 2: Via Dremio. Read on to learn how to connect via Dremio. Users can connect to MongoDB via Dremio. The following steps
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Users can connect to Elastic Search via Dremio. The following steps need to be followed: Step 1: Install and start Dremio. To learn how to install Dremio, click here. Step 2: Open Dremio console in the browser by entering your-host-ip:port in the address bar. Here, Dremio is on the localhost. Default port for Dremio is
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This blog gives details of the installation of Apache Drill in embedded mode, i.e., to use Drill on a single node. If you wish to install Drill in distributed mode, follow the instructions here. Pre-requisites: We have tested with Apache Drill 1.14 Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows: Oracle or OpenJDK 8 Windows only: A
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Learn how to connect to CSV and Excel files using Dremio in this comprehensive guide. Streamline your data integration process and unlock powerful analytics capabilities with ease.
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NOTE: From version 5.2.2 of Open Source BI Helical Insight, we have provided DIRECT inbuilt support to connect and use JSON, CSV, Excel, GoogleSheet, API etc. There is no dependence on other middleware (like Apache Drill) and this is a recommended approach to be used. If you are using older version or want to use
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