Introduction: This document describes the steps of authenticating Helical Insight application using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). Prerequisite : Java version 1.7 or higher Helical Insight Application Version 2.0 + Download the files required for integration of LDAP with Helical Insight application from below link.Download the files from here Below are the steps : Configurations
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Objective of this blog is to discuss how we can add the scrolling text from right to left anywhere in the ad-hoc report or dashboard in Helical insight as shown below. How to Add Scrolling Text in Dashboard in Helical Insight Application...! The detailed description to achieve the above discussed objective is documented follows: STEPS:
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From version 5.0 of Helical Insight Enterprise Edition, the entire method of implementing cascading input parameters has been simplified and it can be acheived from the UI itself. Please refer to this blog to learn how to do that. If you are using an older version you can go read further. Introduction: Cascading Parameter are
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Helical Insight application is having validations on each and every page and actions. This blog elaborates how you can disable those validations, change the messages etc related to validations. The validation logic which is needed to validate different inputs and modules in Helical Insight can be configured in Validation.xml file. <p.‘Validation.xml file’ is located at
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There are various settings and customization related to Helical Insight which one can do by making changes in the settings.xml present in the back-end directory. Thus, the brief about various settings present in the setting.xml file is documented below: Location of settings.xml file: “..\hi\hi-repository\System\Admin” Note: The above path might change based on where you have installed it.
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Introduction: Helical Insight metadata connects with a database which is predefined. Now there might be certain cases in which we would like the metadata to connect to different datasources based on certain condition. For example : In healthcare industry the data of the hospital can not go outside the hospital premises. In that case, based
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Requirement: Java 1.7+ Download Helical Insight 2.0 executable and save it in your desired location. In order to install hi-ee using command line 1. Open command prompt (windows) or / terminal (linux and MAC). 2. Go to the location where you have saved Helical Insight 2.0 via terminal/command prompt. Type “java -jar helicalinsight-ee- RC1”. (name
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Helical Insight application version 2.0 executable comes with jetty web server and derby database. Jetty is the webserver and derby database holds information about users and roles. If a user wants they can migrate from jetty to Tomcat and similarly from Derby to some other database. The same details are elaborated in this blog. Part
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We can access report created using Helical Insight application publicly through URL: To get URL of the report you have to follow below steps: 1. Open the file browser and search for the report/dashboard you want to share publicly. 2. Right click on the report/dashboard and open it in a new window. This way you
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Introduction: In certain cases you may want to embed Adhoc reporting interface of Helical Insight inside your application thus empowering your end users to create reports on the fly. But in those cases you want them to be able to create report using only a preselected metadata. This blog will help in creating the adhoc
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