This Installation Guide will help user to manually configure the necessary settings required to install Helical Insight Application to the user’s system. This configuration is applicable to any Operating System (Windows Vista, Windows8, Windows10, Linux, Ubuntu, RedHat, MacOS and so on), any Databases (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server and so on ) user is using. The steps mentioned here an also be used in case if you would like to create your own container like docker etc.
Prerequisites :
- You should have downloaded latest version of Helical Insight automated installer. This step is required since it will give you access to the required files. You can get the latest version of Helical Insight automated installer from the location ( )
Once you have installed take the below mentioned files from the below mentioned location and save it in the installation directory of your choice from where you would like to reference it and use it.
- hi-ee.war file from the location “…/hi/apache-tomcat-9/webapps/”
- hi-repository from the location “…/hi/”
- Derby database from the folder. Foldername db “…/hi/”
- Should have Installed Java ( version 8 or higher ) and its path should be correctly set
- Should have any Java application server like Tomcat up and running.
- You have the admin permissions or in case of non GUI based OS do the operations in sudo su mode.
- These instructions use the windows file path convention ‘\’.
- For example: C:\Program Files\Helical Insight\hi-ee\hi-repository
- If you are running on linux, please use the convention ‘/’ wherever applicable.
- For example : /home/hi-ee/hi-repository
Step 1: Install tomcat. Put the “hi-ee.war” inside tomcat. The war file should automatically explode. In case if it does not restart tomcat and then it will explode. Once it has exploded a folder by the name “hi-ee” will get created.
Step 2: Edit the file setting.xml present in the hi-repository
- Find the tag <efwSolution><\efwSolution>. By default there is no value. (To view, click on image)
- You need to set the value to the path where hi-repository is present. like ( “C:program files\Helical Insight\hi-ee\hi-repository” ) (To view, click on image)
- For Windows: If you have copied the hi-repository folder in D: drive then <efwSolution>D:\\hi-ee\\hi-repository</efwSolution>
- NOTE: Please make sure the path separator is “\\” and NOT “\”
- For Linux: If you have copied the hi-repository folder in /home/user drive then <efwSolution>/home/user/hi-ee/hi-repository</efwSolution>
- Find the tag <BaseUrl><\BaseUrl>. By default there is no value. You need to set this value to the ip/domain configuration along with the hi path. For example, if you have placed the tomcat in then the base URL will be <BaseUrl> <\BaseUrl>
- In case of IP based configuration the above may be your format: http:// <yourip>:<port>/hi-ee
- For Windows: If you have copied the hi-repository folder in D: drive then <efwSolution>D:\\hi-ee\\hi-repository</efwSolution>
Example: <BaseUrl> <\BaseUrl>
Step 3: In case of linux environment one needs to have write permissions to change the files that we are going to discuss now. Open {TOMCAT_HOME}\webapps\hi-ee\WEB-INF\classes\ file with any file editor.
- Find settingPath parameter and replace it with the location of setting.xml which is present in System directory.
- Format: settingPath = {setting.xml Location}
- Example: settingPath = D:\\hi-repository\\System\\Admin\\setting.xml
- Find settingPath parameter and replace it with the location of setting.xml which is present in System directory.
- Description: This parameter indicates location of setting.xml file, which comes under hi-repository directory. This setting.xml file consists of helical insight server settings.
- Find schedulerPath parameter and replace the default value with a value where you want the application to store scheduling related data.
- Format:schedulerPath = {scheduling.xml location}
- Example:schedulerPath = D:\\hi-repository\\System\\scheduling.xml
- Find schedulerPath parameter and replace the default value with a value where you want the application to store scheduling related data.
- Description: This parameter indicates location of setting.xml file, which comes under hi-repository directory. This setting.xml file consists of helical insight server settings.
- Description: scheduling.xml file contains information of scheduled reports and related data.
- The same way as described above, change the value of pluginPath parameter to a directory named Plugins inside System directory.
- Format:pluginPath = {Plugins location}
- Example: pluginPath= D:\\EFW_hdidev\\System\\Admin\\Plugins
Note: Configuring this parameter is optional.
Step4: Set Log file location
- Open {TOMCAT_HOME}\webapps\hi-ee\WEB-INF\classes\ file in any file editor. (To view, click on image)
- Find log4j.appender.file.File parameter
- Replace the default value with log4j.appender.file.File={Location where you want place the logs of the application}
- Example:log4j.appender.file.File=D:\\hi-repository\\System\\debugLogs.log (To view, click on image)
The configuration shown below also configures the Hibernate dialect for the database you are using. I assume you are using MySQL here as the database. If you are using some other database, please contact Helical for further assistance. Here configurations are shown for MySQL.
- Open {TOMCAT_HOME}\webapps\hi-ee\WEB-INF\application-context.xml file with any file editor. (To view, click on image)
Step 5: The configuration shown below also configures the Hibernate dialect for the database you are using.
- Open {TOMCAT_HOME}\webapps\hi-ee\WEB-INF\application-context.xml file with any file editor. (To view, click on image) On the line number 12 you will have to make the changes. You have to provide the path of db backup where you have saved the DB backup.
For example if you have taken the backup from the starting and saved the dbbackup in a location like “D: \Helical Insight\hi\db” then that path has to be put here
Step 6: License Deployment:
- Obtain an evaluation copy or purchase ‘hdi.licence’ file and copy it into {TOMCAT_HOME}\webapps\hi-ee.
- The default licence file is valid for 1 month.
So, the location will be
Following the above steps complete the installation of the helical insight server. Restart your application server(Preferred) or reload the hi application in your application server manager. After that, you should be able to use the application by opening the browser and accessing at the
URL: http://{Your Server}:{Port}/hi-ee/hi.html
For example:
By default below two users are created hiadmin hiuser Default User Credentials : 1. username: hiadmin password: hiadmin 2. username: hiuser password: hiuser
In case of issue in installing the software, reach out to us at